Sunday, August 25, 2013

In Him alone will I trust.

There have been too many times in my life that I have run first to people for prayer, for counsel, or for encouragement, instead of to the One I pray to, the Great Counselor, the Almighty God.
I was part of ladies Bible Studies, Prayer Chain, sewing groups, Mother's Who Care, Small Group, I had the phone number to several phone in prayer wasn't healthy for me.  It was too much support but not enough trusting in Christ alone.
The support groups were all wonderful, but I was too dependent on these human resources. The Lord had me take a step away from them.
I said yes to the heavenly support and no to the "help groups".
I missed them. I was lonely for them, then  I saw my prayers answered, I felt comfort, I knew strength, I witnessed growth. Wow.
It was for a time, not forever. I am now in an online Bible Study with support and counsel, from many godly women and I know it is where I should be now.  
This  prayer ..


  1. Thank you for this wonderful reminder, Kathy. I sometimes turn to other people before I turn to God.

  2. Kathy ~ Great post! I love the prayer you included!

    Thank you and God Bless!


  3. Kathy, thank you! I can relate to your experience. Every day I turn more to Him, than to people (who sadly have good intentions, but make mistakes). God bless you.
