Thursday, November 14, 2013

Neither do I condemn you

But when they heard it, they went away one by one, beginning with the older ones, and Jesus was left alone with the woman standing before him. 10 Jesus stood up and said to her, “Woman, where are they? Has no one condemned you?” 11 She said, “No one, Lord.” And Jesus said, “Neither do I condemn you; go, and from now on sin no more.” 

John 8:9-11

English Standard Version (ESV)

I was sitting in Disneyland, enjoying the sun and people watching. A young man walked by eating a white bread Cheese Whiz sandwich, wrapped in waxed paper. He had brought it from home. How could he make such a poor choice? Then I looked down, in my own hand I held a sugar coated, deep fried churro.

I sat beside her on the plane. She had pierced eyebrows, lips and nose. She had tattoos on her neck and arms, her hair was black and she looked angry.I looked down at my freshly pressed dress slacks and sensible shoes, I only had to get through the next 90 minutes. I am sure she wouldn't want to interact with me either. I pulled out my book before the plane was even finished loading. As the plane took off she looked at me and said " Does it always make so much noise?" This was her first flight, she was a scared young girl flying for the first time. We chatted and I was ashamed of myself.
How many times do I condemn or play judge to people around me? Am I part of the crowd that is pointing a finger at the one standing before Him? There are so many people everyday who feel condemnation, please Lord don't let it be me that is pointing my finger at them.

Sometimes I am the condemned, sometimes I am the condemner. When I find my self condemning, I pray I will read what Christ has written, I will watch closely to see His words written in the sand. I will walk away and not condemn, or better yet I will stay and stand along side the condemned one. I will help her to her feet to show her the path that Jesus has for her, to go and sin no more.